Follow up after bone cancer treatment
After treatment for bone cancer you have regular check ups at the hospital. You also have tests and scans including blood tests and chest x-rays.
The type of follow up you have depends on if you had treatment to try to cure bone cancer or relieve the symptoms.
This page is about cancer that starts in your bone (primary bone cancer). If your cancer has spread into bone from another part of the body, it is called secondary or metastatic bone cancer.
Why you have follow up appointments
You usually have follow up appointments to check how you are and see whether you have any problems or worries. The appointments also give you the chance to raise any concerns you have about your progress.
How often are your follow up appointments?
How often you see your specialist can vary from hospital to hospital. It also depends on:
- how you are feeling
- the type of bone cancer you have had
- the type of treatment you have had
- if you have any side effects that need checking on
You may have several different clinic appointments depending on how many health professionals are involved in your care.
Follow up is tailored to your needs. Before you leave hospital, you are usually told when you will next have an appointment.
Contact your specialist nurse if you are expecting an appointment but haven’t heard anything.
This is a general guide of follow up appointments. For the first few years you have follow up appointments every 2 to 3 months. If all is well you move onto 6 monthly appointments. After year 5 you have yearly check ups.
What happens during follow up appointments?
You usually have face to face follow up appointments. But you may also have telephone or video calls for some of your follow up appointments. Your healthcare team will let you know which type of appointment you will be having.
Face-to-face appointments
Some follow up appointments might ask you to see a nurse or healthcare assistant to check your:
- temperature
- blood pressure
- heart and breathing rate
- weight
But some might not.
On the day of your clinic appointment you might have a blood test or you may have had it before the appointment. You may also have some other tests, but not as often. Some of these may include:
- an x-ray of the where the cancer first started (primary cancer)
- chest x-rays - this is because some types of bone cancers can spread to the lungs
- heart scans such as an
ECHO – as some of the cancer drugs such as doxorubicin can affect the heart
- hearing tests – cisplatin is one of the cancer drugs that can affect your hearing
You might have a CT or MRI scan as part of your routine follow up. You might have them if you have new symptoms. Or if your x-ray or blood test shows there is a possibility your cancer may have come back.
Telephone or video appointments
You might feel relieved not having to attend the hospital. But some people find a video or telephone appointment can feel less personal than a face-to-face appointment. It can also be particularly challenging if you don't like talking to people on the telephone or video.
Things you can do to help you prepare for your telephone or video follow up appointment include:
- Asking roughly when your doctor will call.
- Make sure they have the correct number to contact you on for your telephone appointment.
- Make sure you have the invite to the video call if you will be having your appointment this way.
- Let them know if you might have problems with phone or video and you need a face-to-face appointment instead.
- Before the call write down any questions you want to ask.
- Take the call somewhere quiet, where you won’t be disturbed. And maybe ask someone to listen into the call with you for support. They can help to ask questions and help you to remember what the doctor says.
During the appointment
Your doctor or specialist nurse ask how you are feeling, whether you have had any symptoms or side effects, and if anything is worrying you. At each face to face appointment they usually examine you.
Your doctor or nurse will give you some guidance about which symptoms to look out for if you are on treatment and who to contact if you have any problems.
You might also see other healthcare professionals such as a physiotherapist during the check up. Your doctor or nurse can arrange for you to see them at the outpatient clinic.
Let your team know straight away if you are worried or if you notice any new symptoms.
Between appointments
Contact your doctor or specialist nurse if you have any concerns between appointments. You should also contact them if you notice any new symptoms. You don’t have to wait until your next visit.
Many people find their check ups quite worrying. A hospital appointment can bring back any anxiety you had about your cancer.
It can help to tell someone close to you how you’re feeling. Sharing your worries can mean they don’t seem so overwhelming.
You can call the Cancer Research UK information nurses on freephone 0808 800 4040 to talk through follow up appointments. Lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Many people find it helpful to have counselling after cancer treatment.
You can also find people to share experiences with by using our online forum, Cancer Chat.