Does eating processed and red meat cause cancer?

  • Eating lots of processed meat can cause bowel cancer
  • Eating lots of red meat may also increase the risk of bowel cancer
  • The less processed and red meat you eat, the lower your risk - there’s lots of ways to cut down

What’s the difference between processed and red meat?

Processed meat is any meat that's been treated to make it last longer, or taste better, by adding chemical preservatives such as nitrates.  This could be through smoking, curing, or salting the meat. Processed meat includes ham, bacon, corned beef, and some sausages like salami, chorizo and hot dogs.

Red meat includes all fresh, minced, and frozen beef, pork and lamb.

White meat, such as chicken, and fish, are not linked to an increased risk of cancer.


What types of cancer are processed and red meat linked to?

Eating lots of processed meat can increase the risk of bowel cancer.

We know for definite that processed meat is a cause of cancer. We are as sure of this link as we are for other proven causes of cancer, like tobacco and alcohol.

Red meat is classed as a probable cause of cancer. This means there is lots of good evidence of a link between eating red meat and some types of cancer, but we need a few more of the best quality studies to be certain.

There is some evidence that eating processed and red meat increases the risk of stomach and pancreatic cancers. But we need more research to know for sure.


How can I eat less processed and red meat?

Making small changes can help you cut down, why not try:

  • Meat-free Mondays – pick a day or more to not have any meat
  • Finding new recipes that use chicken or fish instead of processed and red meat
  • Substituting some or all of the meat in your usual dishes for pulses, like beans or lentils
  • Try a Veg Pledge – go vegetarian or vegan for a month to explore more meat free options
  • Reducing your portion size when you do have processed and red meat
Did you know – choosing more expensive or organic processed and red meat isn’t better for your cancer risk. The best way to lower your risk is to cut down on all types of processed and red meat.


How much processed and red meat can I eat?

If you’re eating processed and red meat most days, it’s a good idea to think about cutting down. The government recommends that people who eat a lot of processed and red meat should cut down to 70g or less per day. This is about 3 slices of ham, 2 slices of bacon or 1 small beef burger. The less processed and red meat you eat the lower your risk of cancer, so cutting down is good for your health no matter how much you eat.


How does processed and red meat cause cancer?

Chemicals that are found in the meat, added during processing or produced when cooking it, can increase the risk of cancer.

These chemicals include:

  • Nitrates and nitrites

These are used to keep processed meat fresher for longer. When we eat them, nitrates and nitrites can become N-nitroso chemicals (NOCs) that can damage the cells that line our bowel. This damage can lead to bowel cancer. Added nitrates may be the reason why processed meat increases the risk of bowel cancer more than red meat.

  • Haem

This is naturally found in red meat. When digested, haem also breaks down into the cancer-causing N-nitroso chemicals.

  • Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic amines (PCAs)

These chemicals are produced when processed and red meat is cooked at high temperatures, which includes grilling or barbequing. HCAs and PCAs can damage cells in the bowel.


Brown KF, Rumgay H, Dunlop C, et al. The fraction of cancer attributable to modifiable risk factors in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the United Kingdom in 2015. British Journal of Cancer. 2018;118:1130-1141.

International Agency for Research on Cancer. Red Meat and Processed Meat. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. 2018. Vol 114. is external)

NHS. Red meat and the risk of bowel cancer. 2019. is external).

World Cancer Research Fund. Diet, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer: a Global Perspective. A summary of the Third Expert Report 2018. is external).

Last reviewed: 26 July 2023

Next due for review: 26 July 2026

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