Resources and support for diet problems

There are lots of organisations, support groups and helpful books to help you cope with diet problems caused by cancer and its treatment.

Cancer Research UK information and support

Cancer Research UK is the largest cancer research organisation in the world outside the USA. We fund research on all aspects of cancer from its causes to prevention and treatment.

We are committed to producing high quality information for people affected by cancer. As well as looking at the information on this website you can call our nurse freephone helpline on 0808 800 4040. They are available from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Or you can send them a question online.

Cancer Chat is our online forum where you can share experiences.

Organisations that can help with diet problems

British Dietetic Association (BDA)

The British Dietetic Association (BDA) is the only body in the UK representing the whole of the dietetic workforce. The website provides a large amount of information for anyone interested in food and nutrition

British Dietetic Association 
3rd Floor Interchange Place,
151-165 Edmund Street,
B3 2TA
United Kingdom


Tel: 0121 200 8080

Bladder and bowel community

The Bladder and Bowel Community supports people living with bladder and bowel disorders and has a telephone helpline. The service is confidential. They can also give you information about stoma products.

They have a 'Just Can't Wait' card which allows holders access to toilets in shops and when you are out. It's free to order on the website.

Forward House
17 High Street
B95 5AA

Home Delivery Service: 0800 031 5406


Complementary and Alternative Medicines in Cancer Consortium (CAM)

This website aims to provide reliable information on complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) relating to cancer. The target audience is health professionals, but the information is understandable to anyone. It can help patients and professionals to make decisions about whether to use these medicines.

Guts UK

Guts UK produce information and leaflets on common digestive diseases and illnesses. This includes information about cancer of the bowel, food pipe (oesophagus) and stomach.

Tel: 020 7486 0341

Memorial Sloane Kettering Cancer Centre

This American organisation provides information about nutrition and cancer.

Mouth Cancer Foundation

Mouth Cancer Foundation is a charity that supports people affected by head and neck cancer. Its website has information about mouth, throat and other head and neck cancers. The website also has a forum and information on local support groups.

Tel: 01924 950 950 (Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm)


Oesophageal Patients Association (OPA)

The OPA is formed of people who’ve had or still have oesophageal cancer. It publishes useful information about oesophageal cancer and some is relevant to stomach cancer. It also has local support groups and meetings. It offers advice, information, and support to anyone with eating difficulties after stomach or oesophageal surgery.

Unit 4
Bordesley Hall Farm Barns
Storrage Lane
B48 7ES

Tel: 0121 704 9860 (9am to 4pm Monday to Friday)

PINNT (Patients on Intravenous and Nasogastric Nutritional Therapy)

This organisation provides information and support for people who need artificial feeding. They also have regional support groups for PINNT members.

PO Box 3126
BH23 2XS

Telephone: 020 3004 6193

World Cancer Research Fund

World Cancer Research Fund is a charity that provides information and advice about nutrition, physical activity and cancer. They also have a helpline run by dietitians.

Helpline: 0333 034 1988 (Tuesdays 12pm – 2pm and Thursdays 6pm to 8pm)


Books about eating well when you have cancer

Complete Guide to Nutrition for Cancer Patients: Eating Well, Staying Well During and After Cancer (2nd edition)

A Bloch and others
American Cancer Society, 2010
ISBN 978-0944235782

An American book but most of the information is relevant to the UK. It covers issues such as preventing weight loss and coping with dehydration, fatigue, and infection. It also discusses eating problems and digestion issues, such as swallowing problems, feeling sick and dealing with mouth sores. Focuses on survivorship and how to eat well after treatment.

Healthier Eating and Living with Cancer

Karen Jung
Granville Island publishing, 2008
ISBN 978-1894694575

The writer's husband had cancer and this book is a compilation of recipes that they created together. The book aims to help people with cancer to incorporate healthy and appetising dishes into their diet. It has tips for meals and snacks to help people maintain their weight whilst on treatment. The book and the measures used are Canadian.

How to eat well when you have cancer

Jane Freeman
Sheldon Press, 2012
ISBN 978-1847091413

Written by a cancer dietitian, this is a practical handbook for people with cancer. Filled with helpful tips and recipes.

Royal Marsden Cancer Cookbook: Nutritious recipes for during and after cancer treatment, to share with friends and family

Clare Shaw
Kyle Books, 2023
ISBN 978-1804190654

This cookbook explores the foods that will support and nourish you during and after cancer treatment. It offers more than 150 recipes.

General support and information organisations

NHS website

For general health advice and information.

NHS 111

NHS 111 online gives information if you need fast medical help but it's not a 999 emergency. 

NHS Inform

NHS Inform gives information about illnesses, treatments and NHS services for people in Scotland.

NHS 24

NHS 24 is a confidential telephone health advice and information service for people in Scotland. It provides urgent advice out of hours.

Phone: 111

Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan Cancer Support is a charity that gives practical, medical and financial support to people with cancer in the UK. Its helpline gives guidance on cancer and advice on benefits. It also publishes booklets about cancer and treatments. Information is available in other languages.

Freephone: 0808 808 00 00 (7 days a week, 8am to 8pm)
Contact email form

Maggie's Centres

Maggie’s is a national charity with centres across the UK. They offer care and support to people affected by cancer. Each centre is beside an NHS cancer hospital and is run by specialist staff.

You can join a support group, take part in weekly sessions like relaxation and stress management, or learn about nutrition and health. You can also visit just to have a cup of tea and a friendly chat.

Phone: 0300 123 1801

Last reviewed: 
15 Nov 2023
Next review due: 
16 Nov 2026

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