Follow up after testicular cancer treatment
After treatment, you have regular check ups at the hospital. You also have tests including blood tests, x-rays and scans. Over time, these appointments become less frequent.
Why you have follow up appointments
Your doctor might monitor you closely after surgery to remove your testicle. These appointments are to check for early signs of the cancer coming back so that it can be found and treated early. Doctors call this surveillance. You can start treatment if there is any sign that your cancer has come back.
You also have regular follow up appointments and tests after chemotherapy or radiotherapy. These are to check how you are and see whether you have any problems or worries. And to look for any signs of the cancer coming back.
The appointments also give you the chance to raise any concerns you have about your progress.
How often are my appointments?
How often you see your specialist depends on:
- your type and stage of testicular cancer
- your risk of the cancer coming back or spreading
- the type of treatment you have had
You usually have follow up for 5 years. You might see your doctor between 2 and 4 times in the first 2 years. Over time, the risk of the cancer coming back goes down. Your appointments become less frequent. Your doctor or specialist nurse will tell you when you have your appointments.
Some people might have follow up appointments after 5 years. Your doctor will tell you more about this if you continue with follow up.
Between appointments
Contact your doctor or specialist nurse if you have any concerns between appointments. You should also contact them if you notice any new symptoms. You don’t have to wait until your next visit.
What happens at the appointment?
Your doctor will examine you and ask you how you feel. You can tell your doctor about:
- any new or ongoing symptoms
- any emotional or sexual problems caused by the cancer or treatment
This helps your doctor give you the best care and support.
You usually have some tests, although you might not have all of these tests at each appointment. Tests include:
- blood tests to check the
tumour marker levels
chest x-rays CT scans MRI scans
How you may feel
Some people find it very stressful to know they need follow up for cancer. And having scans after treatment has finished can make some people anxious. You can talk this through with your doctor or specialist nurse. They can:
- help reassure you
- explain how often you'll have follow ups
- explain why you're having follow ups as often as you are
- tell you about any support groups
It can help to tell someone how you’re feeling. Sharing your worries can mean they don’t seem so overwhelming. Many people find it helpful to have counselling during or after cancer treatment.
What you can do for yourself
Having to fit in lots of tests and appointments may be difficult. But there are things you can do to help you feel more in control. These include:
- understanding your illness
- keeping healthy
- getting help and support