Turning point for cancer

From “Hear, hear" to “All clear”
It's time for a turning point for cancer.
Beating cancer starts with action. We want to see more cancers prevented, more life-saving research implemented, more people diagnosed and treated earlier – ultimately, more people living longer, better lives. We need the new UK Government to commit to a long term plan for cancer to get there.
The five pledges
We’re calling for the new UK Government to commit to our manifesto’s five pledges which could help to prevent 20,000 cancer deaths every year by 2040.

Back research
Set out a plan to close the more than £1bn funding gap for research into cancer over the next decade. Life-saving research must be a political priority.

End cancers caused by smoking
Raise the age of sale of tobacco and fund a world-leading programme of measures to help people who smoke to quit.

Drive earlier diagnoses
Implement proven measures, including a lung screening programme, to diagnose cancers early and reduce inequalities in access.

End the waits
Ensure cancer wait time targets are met across England. An earlier diagnosis and timely access to tests, screening and treatment gives people with cancer the best chance of survival.

Lead on Cancer
Publish a long-term cancer strategy for England and Establish a National Cancer Council, accountable to the Prime Minister, to drive cross-government action on cancer.
This general election, thousands of us united to demand a turning point for cancer.
Candidates and political parties listened. But we’re not done yet.
We’re seeing cases increase, patients facing unacceptable waits and a funding gap for life-saving research.
The new UK Government can deliver a turning point for cancer by establishing a dedicated fully funded, long-term cancer strategy.

IN THE PRESS : Cancer News
34,000 cancer deaths could be prevented if we make this election a turning point for cancer
Our analysis, published during the general election, showed that the UK could avoid 34,000 cancer deaths within a decade of 4 July 2024 if the new government takes urgent action to improve cancer outcomes. Avoiding these cancer deaths relies on the UK Government rolling out a long-term, fully funded cancer strategy in England, including policies to back research and better prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. .
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