Our research data strategy

The power of data science
As the leading funder of cancer research in the UK, we are in a unique position to influence how we use data in our life-saving work.
Our new Research Data Strategy will unleash the potential of data science to help build a better future for people affected by cancer.
Discovering new ways to prevent, detect and treat cancer
Data science is already providing cancer insights. But there are some challenges that prevent us from using research data in the most effective way. We aim to improve how we use research data to answer important questions that lead to better patient outcomes.
In our Research Data Strategy, we set out how we intend to scale up our current activities to unleash the enormous power of big data. Our aim is to create a research culture to support timely, transparent and ethical curation and use of data in cancer research. To achieve this we're focusing on 8 foundations:
- Build trust through public and patient involvement
Make sure we’re using data ethically and consulting people affected by cancer
- Maximise the intellectual value of research data
Make it easier to find, access, reuse and connect with other data sources
- Strengthen the national cancer data science environment
Influence across the UK to streamline access to health data
- Create a community for cancer data scientists
Bring together researchers to share learnings and collaborate on shared challenges
- Support the translation of insights from big data into patient benefits
Work to translate insights within our own network and through public, private and third party partnerships
- Provide training and career support for data scientists
Strengthen the path into data science and build our capacity to harness the full potential of research data
- Ensure all parts of society benefit equally from cancer data science
Champion diversity and inclusion across the data science workforce, research participants and the digital tools used to glean insights from data
- Improve the sustainability and efficiency of data science practices
Reduce the environmental impact of storing and analysing big data
Our research strategy

We invest in creative people who can deliver research of the highest quality.
Our strategy shapes how we'll discover more about the mechanisms of how cancer develops and progresses to unlock new and better ways to prevent, detect and treat it.
Funding opportunities in data science
Our new Data for Children's and Young People's Cancer Pilot Award supports data-driven research questions to develop new, scalable and generalisable solutions to common challenges in children’s and young people's cancers.
Our research data community
We’re building a cancer data science community to support our researchers in tackling common challenges, sharing best practices and driving data culture change.
Communities of special interest
Our six communities of special interest help us shape researcher-led data activities and support a connected and collaborative data community. Each group is led by a key member of the data community and focuses on different research data challenge areas.
Cancer data collaborative
This new forum brings together expertise from NHS England, researchers, third sector organisations and people affected by cancer to improve access, quality and timeliness of cancer health system data.
Find out more about the work of the collaborative through our newsletter, or share your perspectives by joining our health systems data special interest group.