Tracking your steps

Connect your Fitbit app to your Giving Page so your steps will automatically appear on your page, so friends and family can see you getting closer your goal!
Before getting started you'll need to have a Fitbit device and account already set up.
How to connect Fitbit to your Giving Page
1. Log in to your online Giving Page that you'd like to connect
If you haven't set up your Giving Page account before, or can't remember your password, click forgot password and enter the email address you used to sign up to the challenge. You'll be sent an email with a link to set a new password so you can login.
2. Click on "Connect to Fitbit"
3. You'll be asked to log into your Fitbit account, if you're not logged in already.
4. Accept permission for Fitbit to share your activities with Cancer Research UK, this will complete your connection.
5. Once connected you will be able to choose your settings for Fitbit. These can be changed at any time.
What if I don't have Fitbit?
Don't worry if you don't have Fitbit, there are also plenty of other free apps to track your steps including Pacer, GoogleFit and StepsApp.
You can also still use the 'Latest updates' section of your Giving Page to keep a record of your challenge progress. You can use this section to add a screen shot of your step count, upload an image of your walk or add a comment about your progress.
- This could be due to the date ranges you have set for Fitbit to share your activities with Cancer Research UK. You can view or edit the date range from the ‘Change Fitbit Settings' section on your Giving Page.
- This could be because you have not recently synced your Fitbit device to the Fitbit app. Cancer Research UK receives activity data from the Fitbit app, not directly from your Fitbit wristband device. View Fitbit help for details on how to sync your device.
You currently cannot delete individual activities from your Giving Page.
If you would like to be able to delete individual activities from your Giving Page in future, please let us now here
You can set or change your Fitbit step target at any time by going into your Fitbit settings directly from your Giving Page.
Disconnecting from Fitbit will stop Fitbit sharing new activities to your Giving Page and will delete all existing Fitbit activities from your Giving Page.
You can disconnect from Fitbit by following the ‘Disconnect Fitbit’ process from the Fitbit setting section on your Giving Page.
If you would like Fitbit to stop sharing activities to your Giving Page, review the date range you have in your Fitbit settings as this dictates the date range in which Fitbit will share activities with Cancer Research UK.
The activity tracker on your Giving Page shows a total of all Fitbit activities on your page.
When you change your activity date range this will update your activity tracker to show a total for your new date range.