Alexia's story...
It was just two weeks before Alexia’s 35th birthday when she felt a lump in her breast as she was getting ready for work. After a mammogram and biopsy of her left breast and lymph nodes, results revealed that she had stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma and had to undergo two surgeries, six cycles of chemotherapy and four weeks of radiotherapy.
“The chemo made me feel so ill that I ended up in hospital a couple of times and once in an isolation room because of my risk of infection. I found my cancer experience a really lonely one. My daily routine was just going to the hospital then back to our flat, spending much of my time on my own and indoors”.
It was only when Alexia stumbled across the website BorrowMyDoggy, the online dog community, that things began to change for the better. Alexia was matched to Winnie a Cockapoo and the pair became firm friends almost immediately.
“I had no idea just how therapeutic and life changing it would become for me. If it wasn’t for Winnie needing her walks, I would have barely left my flat. She helped me exercise and get fresh air but most of all, Winnie gave me love, joy and comfort.
I genuinely can’t imagine what it would’ve been like to face my battle with cancer without the company of these dogs. They’ve made me smile during dark times and continue to help me heal from the cancer rollercoaster”.
Alexia has now become an avid walker since looking after her new canine friends and is now signed up and ready to take on the Walk All Over Cancer challenge.
“I feel motivated to walk and build-up my strength thanks to these dogs, it has made such a difference to both my physical and mental wellbeing. I have really suffered from anxiety through my cancer experience but on the days, I get out and walk the dogs I feel so much better. They’ll be joining me through the Walk All Over Cancer challenge and I’m really looking forward to it”.
Thanks to the money raised from Walk All Over Cancer we can help more people like Alexia survive cancer every single day.