Interview - Sharing internet use for cancer research
Type of activity: Interview, online or in person
Organised by: Queen Mary University of London; Centre for Cancer Screening, Prevention and Early Diagnosis
Location: Online or in person (London)
Time commitment: One-off 1-hour interview
Payment and Expenses: £25 retail voucher
Looking for:
- People over 18
- People who use the internet (even occasionally) on a home computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
- People who have been diagnosed with cancer as an adult (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer).
Closing date: Monday 16 December
About the research project
Researchers at Queen Mary University of London want to find out how people use the internet and if this can help to identify people at risk of cancer or other serious conditions or improve the advice and care people receive. This type of research would need people to share details of how they had used the internet and share their medical records.
Before this can take place, researchers in the SHARE Study need to learn more about how people feel about taking part in this type of research. This work can help design future research to include people from all parts of society.
About the opportunity
Please note - You will NOT be asked to share your internet history or medical records with the researcher, this opportunity is to give feedback on a future study.
During a 1-hour informal conversation, you’ll be given more information about a potential future study and asked your opinions on it. You’ll be shown a document about sharing internet history for research which may be used in a future study, and asked for your feedback. You'll also be asked your views about taking part in research which asks you to share your internet history. There are no right or wrong answers – the researchers want to understand your views.
Why get involved
Future research which looks at how people use the internet might help identify people at risk of cancer or improve the advice and care people receive.
Your views will shape future cancer research which looks at how people use the internet. You will help researchers:
- Understand whether this research is acceptable to the public
- Design this research in an inclusive way
- Improve the information provided to participants, such as answering common questions about risks and benefits, and providing clear instructions.
If you are interested in taking part, or have any questions, you can contact the researcher Mel Ramasawmy by email, or by phone/text 07494 167289.
External opportunities
In addition to our internal patient involvement activities (opportunities run by Cancer Research UK), we share patient involvement activities from other charities and organisations.
This opportunity has been organised by an external organisation, to take part you’ll contact and work with them directly.
If you wish to share any positive or negative feedback about your experience with any external groups, we'd love to hear from you. Please email us at