Involving people affected by cancer in our Race for Life brand refresh

Our new TV Ad!
We’re really proud to present the refreshed Race for Life brand with a new campaign for 2024 ‘Life is worth Racing for.’ It combines the joy, magic, and the hope of Race for Life.
Race for Life has been a force for progress over the last 30 years. But the world has changed since we hosted our first-ever event in 1994, and it will keep on changing. So, to continue our impact, we’ve refreshed our Race for Life brand for 2024.
A key part of the brand refresh was to work collaboratively with people affected by cancer and our supporters, to ensure the TV ads are bold and credible whilst also being sensitive to patients and loved ones.
How we involved people affected by cancer
To do this, we involved people affected by cancer as early as possible in the production of the TV ad, so they could meaningfully influence the look and feel of them. Through focus group discussions, we asked for feedback on two potential creative routes. This helped focus our attention on what was important;
To ensure that the tone of the advert felt right and reflects the realities of cancer, so it’s more relatable and authentic to people close to the cause.
To ensure that people feel uplifted, hopeful, and inspired, which is in line with our new Race for Life Brand characteristics e.g. to be fun, poignant, progressive, and celebratory.
To be bold and to try a different creative route to previous campaigns.
To ensure the advert shows that Race for Life is for everyone (not just women).
The insight and feedback gathered from the focus groups gave the senior leadership team confidence to take a bolder approach. Their feedback was also incorporated into the creative execution process.
We’ve also had some really positive feedback from the panel members involved in the focus groups since the TV ad launched;
I have just watched the TV Ad and I really like it. It's definitely emotional! There is a super balance in the tone, the journey the runner has been through with his family member (which captures realistic scenarios), and then the hug at the end. There is no reference to the outcome of treatment but the celebration is that they were there together on that day building something for the future. There is a strong message that it was a journey that they went on together. I think it will strike lots of people. Well done!
Focus group participant