Life Beyond Cancer

a man holding a child, both are smiling

Welcome to Life Beyond Cancer

We understand that life beyond cancer can be difficult. It can take time to adjust when you finish treatment. It's normal to feel lots of different emotions. As well as feeling happy and relieved you've finished, you may need to adapt to new feelings, changes in support and different ways of looking at life.

You may have questions about how to adjust and get on with your life. Hearing how other people have coped can help.

Here, you’ll find everything you need to help you take your next steps – whether that’s getting tips on nutrition, finding ways to look after your mental health or connecting with others living with and beyond cancer.

Your health and wellbeing

Race For Life 3k

scientists in lab

At just under 2 miles, 3k is the perfect distance to take on as your first Race for Life challenge. There's no pressure to finish in a certain time. Walk, jog or run or make your way around the course however suits you and help fund life-saving cancer research. 

Become an e-campaigner

lady reading information on an electronic device whilst sat at a table.

Want to make a difference from the comfort of your home? Make your voice heard by signing petitions and forwarding emails to your local politicians. Help influence government policies with just a few clicks. Join us today.

You donate. We discover.

Researcher at the lab

From developing vaccines to trialling new drugs, regular monthly donations help us prevent, detect and treat over 200 types of cancer. Every pound matters. With your help, together we can bring about a world where everybody lives longer, better lives, free from the fear of cancer.

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