Meet clinical trial participant Roger

Roger was diagnosed with prostate cancer in May 2013 with a PSA reading of 112. When he was invited to go on the STAMPEDE clinical trial he gladly opted for it.
Here Roger shares his clinical trial experience with us.
Tell me a little bit about yourself.
My name is Roger Evans I live in Brecon and I was born on 24 July 1944 (Age 71 years) and I am a retired Local Government Officer. I was diagnosed as having prostate cancer on 24 May 2013, PSA reading 112.
Why did you go on a clinical trial? How did you get on a clinical trial?
I was offered to go on a clinical trial, and gladly opted for it, as I have three monthly check ups and will be offered other new treatment if necessary.
What was it like being on a clinical trial?
I have been on a clinical trial for approximately three years. It has given me fantastic reassurance to have the regular check ups, and to meet and chat to people in a similar situation.
Would you recommend a trial for other patients if it is suitable for them?
I would certainly recommend clinical trials for other suitable patients.
What does being on a clinical trial mean to you?
The trial gives me considerable piece of mind. I commenced hormone treatment July 2013 and 37 treatments of radiotherapy in January 2014.
What difference do you feel the trial made to your treatment, and what difference could it make for others with prostate cancer?
My treatment is still ongoing and being monitored on a regular basis, with always the possibility of new treatment/trial if required. Good news today my PSA reading is still 0.01.
Clinical trials
Thanks to patients like Roger, clinical trials are improving the way we treat prostate cancer.
You can find out more about clinical trials by visiting our database.