In the UK in 2017-2019, on average each year more than a third of new cases (36%) were in people aged 75 and over.[1-4]
Age-specific incidence rates rise from age 25-29 more steeply for females than males. Rates for males from age 55-59 increase more steeply than females, and drop for the oldest age groups for both. The highest rates are in the 85 to 89 age group for females and males.
Incidence rates are significantly higher for females than males in the younger age groups and significantly lower for females than males in the older age groups. The gap is widest at age 40 to 44, when the age-specific incidence rate is 2.1 times higher for females than males.
All Cancers Excluding Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer (C00-C97 Excl. C44), Average Number of New Cases per Year and Age-Specific Incidence Rates per 100,000 Population, UK, 2017-2019

Children aged 0-14, and young people aged 15-24, each account for less than one per cent of all new cancer cases in the UK (2017-2019). [1-4] Adults aged 25-49 contribute around a tenth (9%) of all new cancer cases, with twice as many cases in females as males in this age group.[1-4] Adults aged 50-74 account for more than half (54%) of all new cancer cases, and elderly people aged 75+ account for more than a third (36%), with slightly fewer cases in females than males in both age groups. There are more people aged 50-74 than aged 75+ in the population overall, hence the number of cancer cases is higher in 50-74s, but incidence rates are higher in 75+s.
England data were provided by the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS), part of the National Disease Registration Service (NDRS) in NHS England, on request through the Office for Data Release, January 2023. Similar data can be found here:
Northern Ireland data were provided by the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry (NICR) on request, October 2021. Similar data can be found here:
Welsh data were published by the Welsh Cancer Intelligence and Surveillance Unit (WCISU), Health Intelligence Division, Public Health Wales June 2022.
Scotland data were provided by the Scottish Cancer Registry, Public Health Scotland (PHS) on request, May 2021. Similar data can be found here:
About this data
Data is for UK, 2017-2019, ICD-10 C00-C97, D32-D33, D35.2-D35.4, D42-D43, D44.3-D44.5.