Our Members

Cancer Research UK’s constitution provides for the appointment of 100 Members of the charity. Members are similar to the shareholders of a company.
They are entitled to attend all general meetings of Cancer Research UK (including the AGM) and their most significant formal duty is the election of Trustees.
When Cancer Research UK was formed in 2002 the Trustees, who were the original 20 founding Members of the charity, appointed a further 60 Members, bringing the total to 80. Below is a list of our current 86 Members, including the Trustees.
Together the Members embody a broad range of relevant skills, experience and backgrounds, from business and the arts, finance, science and health care. They are chosen not to represent particular fields, but as individuals who are supportive of the aims and objects of the charity.
Some of the Members were previously formally associated with the Cancer Research Campaign and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund and because they were enthusiastic in their support of the new charity were invited to maintain a connection with it.
Others were selected by the new Cancer Research UK Trustee body because of their interest in or knowledge of cancer research and associated health issues and because of their sympathy with the aims of the charity.
The following are currently Members of CR-UK
- Carol Arrowsmith
- Anne Baldock LLB
- Kamini Banga
- Manvinder Banga
- Wendy Becker BA MBA
- Professor Sir John Bell GBE FRS FMedSci
- Professor Doctor Anton Berns FAACR
- Professor Sir Adrian Bird CBE FRS FRSE
- Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz GBE MA PhD FRS FRCP FMedSci
- Carolyn Bradley MA (Cantab)
- Catherine Brown LLB(Hons)
- Bayo Adelaja MBE
- The Rt. Hon. Lord Browne of Madingley FRS FREng
- Professor Doreen Cantrell CBE FRS FRSE FMedSci
- Peter Chambré
- Sir Ian Michael Cheshire
- Katherine Coates
- Simon Collins BA FCA
- Sherry Coutu CBE
- Keith Craig
- Professor Adrian Crellin CBE MA FRCR FRCP
- David Dangoor CBE DL
- Professor Dame Sally Davies GCB DBE FMedSci FRS
- Tracy De Groose JP DL
- Lord Deighton KBE
- Dr Robert Easton BSc ARCS DPhil FCGI
- Professor Diana Eccles MD FRCP
- Professor Alexander Eggermont MD PhD
- Edward James (Jim) Elliott PhD
- Professor Gerard Evan PhD FRS FMedSci FAACR
- Mark Evans
- Lord Fink of Northwood
- Professor Dame Amanda Fisher DBE FRS FMedSci
- Dr Emma Fitzgerald
- Douglas Flint CBE
- Peter George
- Richard Gnodde
- Professor Peter Goodfellow DPhil FRS
- Sir Michael Gooley CBE
- Sam Gyimah
- Professor Sir Stephen T Holgate CBE FMedSci
- Alison Howe BSc (Hons)
- Professor Nic Jones PhD FMedSci
- Dr Annalisa Jenkins
- Rakshit Kapoor
- Professor Pamela Kearns PhD FRCPCH
- Professor Sir Bruce Keogh KBE
- Professor Jonathan K C Knowles
- Sir Harpal Kumar FMedSci FRCRm FACP(UK) MA MEng MBA DSc (Hon)
- Dr Melanie G Lee CBE BSc DSc(Hon) FMedSci
- David Lindsell FCA
- Charles Manby MBE MA MBA
- Roger Matthews ACA BSocSci
- Jill May BEM
- Dr Ruth McKernan CBE FMedSci
- Stephanie Moore OBE MBE
- Sir David K Newbigging OBE
- Sir Paul Nurse FRS
- Professor Bola Owolabi
- Andrew Palmer FCA
- Dr Keith F Palmer OBE
- Lady Hayat Palumbo
- Professor Sir Bruce Ponder FRCP FMedSci FRS
- Michael Pragnell CBE MA MBA
- Kate Reardon
- Dr Andrew Richards CBE FRSC
- Professor Sir Michael Richards CBE MD FRCP
- Sir Gerald M Ronson Hon DCL Hon PhD
- Professor Dame Nancy J Rothwell DBE DSc FRS FMedSci FRSB
- Alfred Samuels
- Bjorn Saven
- Professor Peter Selby CBE DSc MD FMedSci
- Joanne Shaw
- Kate Smaje
- Sir Pascal Soriot
- Lord Stevens of Birmingham, Kt
- Derek C Stewart OBE
- Professor Sir Mike Stratton
- Hitesh Thakrar
- Sir Richard Treisman
- The Hon Mrs Felicity Waley-Cohen CBE
- Sir Mark Walport FRS FMedSci Hon FRSE
- Sir Guy Weston
- Professor Dame Moira Whyte OBE PhD FRCP FRCPE FMedSci FRSE
- The Rt. Hon. Lord David Willetts FRS
- Roger Wilson CBE Hon MD Hon LLD
- Sir Andrew Witty
- Lady Wolfson of Marylebone OBE
- Polly Wood MBE
Get in touch
If you require further information or have any comments please get in touch.